Emergencies, such as hurricanes or other natural disasters, can disrupt our normal routines and access to fresh food. However, with a little planning and preparation, it’s possible to maintain a healthy diet during these challenging times. Here’s a guide on how to stockpile nutritious foods for emergencies and how to use them effectively.
1. Stockpiling Healthy Foods
When preparing for an emergency, it’s important to have a supply of non-perishable foods that can last for an extended period Here are some foods you should consider:
Canned goods: Canned beans, legumes, vegetables, and fish are excellent sources of protein and fiber.
Whole grains: Foods like rice, oats, flour, bread, cereal, quinoa, crackers, and tortilla wraps are rich in fiber and can provide sustained energy.
Nuts and seeds: These are packed with healthy fats and protein. Consider stocking up on almonds, walnuts, and various nut butters.
Peanut Butter: A great source of energy, peanut butter is full of healthful fats and protein.
Remember to check the expiration dates every six to 12 months to keep things fresh.
2. Hydration
Having a sufficient amount of water on hand should be your number one priority during a natural disaster. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) recommends at least one gallon of water per person (and pet) each day for hydrating and preparing certain foods.
3. Nutrition During Emergencies
During an emergency, your dietary needs may change. You’ll probably be expending more energy than you usually would—meaning you should eat high-energy, high-protein foods. Here are some tips:
Focus on energy-rich foods: When relying on a limited food supply, it’s important to choose foods that offer the most bang for their buck energy-wise. Foods rich in healthy fats such as salmon, almonds, and walnuts will also help you feel more satisfied after eating.
Consider special dietary needs: If one of your family members has a food allergy or follows a restricted diet, make sure you have the proper food on hand.
4. Post-Emergency Nutrition
Once the immediate emergency has passed, it’s important to continue focusing on nutrition. Here are some tips:
Use what you have: Learn what people did have in their pantry and educate them on how best to store, prepare and use this food3.
Decrease sodium intake: Educate people on how to decrease their sodium intake at a time that they were relying on canned and dried foods3.
Properly filter and treat water: Teach people how to properly filter and treat their water3.
Eat balanced meals: Encourage people to eat balanced meals that would provide high levels of nutrients and fiber to sustain and satiate without exacerbating chronic health conditions such as hypertension and diabetes3.
Remember, preparation is key when it comes to maintaining your health during emergencies. By stockpiling nutritious foods and understanding how to use them effectively, you can ensure that you and your loved ones stay healthy during challenging times.